Most Likely to Know When to Put Things to Rest There's something in the crawl space. I know because I put it in there. It knows because it's already trying to escape. I hoped it would nestle in near that old mirror we probably should get rid of. Snuggle up in the dust-coated bin of stuffed animals we should really cover before it attracts the mice. But despite the many nooks and crannies I have for it to inhabit, it doesn't seem comfortable yet. There's only so long that it can roam out in the wild before it wears out its welcome. You know how these things go. It has a peculiar way about it that is at first appealing, but without the proper channeling, err training, is bound to come out sideways. Now it's just a matter of time before it makes its way out. I can hear it scratching. It was supposed to go back where it came from on the night of the full blue moon, but kept it around a little longer than I probably should have. I want to give it the time it deserves, I really do, but it has drained much of the life out of me. Now I'm just hoping it goes dormant long enough for me to get some rest.
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